Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Third Time's the Charm

I came home yesterday to find the results of the JLPT (a Japanese proficiency test) that I took back in July in the mail. I am pleased to say that I have, finally, passed.

My stats:
Vocabulary/Grammar: 36/60
Reading: 34/60
Listening: 42/60

Total Score: 112/180 (62%)

I needed 60%, so I just barely passed. But I don't need to tell a future employer that if I choose a career where putting this on my resume would be useful.

I am most pleased with my Listening score, as that is what caused me to fail the test my first two times. Also, I realized yesterday that I first started studying for this test the day after taking Level 3, back in December 2007. So it has taken me two and a half years to do this.

Back in February 2009, I wrote the following:

I've spent the past month trying to figure out what I want to achieve in Japan. I'm not too motivated so the list is short:

-pass Level 1 JLPT
-run a half-marathon (maybe a full)
With N2 out of the way, I will now focus on taking N1 next July. I would take it this December, but I have a full marathon to run that day...


Anonymous said...

おめでとう! (^_^)

Anonymous said...

げっ、何か抜けたね。 expected, can't do Japanese anymore (^_^;;)

二回ですまん m(_ _ )m

Anonymous said...


Cliff said...
