Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Running Log: Week 15

Week of Nov. 8 - Nov. 14
11/09: 8k, 43:07
11/10: 16k, 1:29:03
11/11: 8k, 45:17
11/13: 32k, 3:49:49

Total: 64k, 6:47:16
Average Pace: 06:21

Hell Week is over. I have feared it since I began my training, not only because it is my peak week and I had to run 32k on Saturday, but I also had a half-marathon race the Sunday before. So from a Sunday-Saturday running week perspective, I ran 85.1k for 9:07:34.

That's a lot of running.

Overall, it went well, showing once again that what is hard is all a matter of perspective. My Tues-Thurs runs were good and I was pumped for Saturday, but as has been the trend recently, I cramped around the 19k mark. This was extremely frustrating because I felt great; the throbbing in my shins had gone away, I drank 4 liters of water the day before, I was ingesting gels (which taste like heaven) and didn't feel tired or hungry in anyway. I wanted to run, but I just couldn't.

So while I was walking, I was able to do a lot of thinking as to why this is happening, and I came to the conclusion that I am running to fast. For example, I ran my 16k on Wednesday at a pace of 05:33 per km. I was proud of that and I'm pretty sure I ran the first 19k on Saturday at a similar speed because I remember thinking that I will finish in a little over 3 hours. But when I cramped, I think it was my body telling me it cannot (yet) run 32k (let alone 42.2k) at a similar pace.

My goal for the full marathon since I started has been to just finish the race. I have stayed away from setting a time for myself, but I learned on Saturday I should try to pick a pace and stick to it.

If I can run the marathon in 5 hours, that would be about 07:10 per km. So for the rest of my training, my goal will be to run at a pace of 07:00 per km.

3 weeks to marathon.