...my Macbook harddrive. I was working on lesson plans and my program froze. This has happened about twice since I got my computer, so I forced-restarted it and I get a blank grey screen with clicking noises coming from the Macbook. Clicking noises = death of harddrive. I immediately jump on Apple`s support page and see TONS of complainsts from people who have had this happen to them in the past week. It`s all from people who bought the first generation of Macbooks. After a little more searching, I found the problem is the Seagate harddrive manufactured in China.
I had my harddrive crash (not fail) three times in college, and I always say a good data loss is good for the mind. Get to clear things out and start anew, like drawing on a fresh piece of white paper. It`s the existential crisis of the modern age, and you either move on or you don`t. Since I have no money for another 2 weeks, I am computer-less for that time also. I will now sit in my room with an Orion, stare at the ceiling, and contemplate the meaning of life.
That said, I am NOT happy with Apple. I don`t care if it is a Seagate problem. Apple only allows its operating system to run on Apple hardware. The argument for this to allow greater quality in it`s products. But some people are saying it is not just the Seagate drives with the 7.01 firmware. What if it`s some flaw with the Macbooks? Am I suppose to expect a crashing one a year?
Luckily a new drive is cheap. I will be getting a $100 160GB drive and go ahead and get Leopard. So if this does happen again, I`ll have Time Machine running.
Anyone interested in buying a Macbook?
Collector’s Mindset
1 week ago
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