Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Running Log: Week 11

Week of Oct. 11 - Oct. 17
10/12: 6k, 32:38
10/13: 13k, 1:17:53
10/14: 6k, 32:30
10/16: 26k, 2:44:20

Total: 51k, 5:07:21
Average Pace: 06:01

Had some good runs last week (for me). 
  • On Thursday, I ran my fastest min/km by doing 6k at an average of 05:25.
  • My average pace is the lowest average pace yet.
  • I ran 26k faster this week than I ran 24k last week.
What amazes me the most about all this training is that I am actually doing it. Last week was my longest yet (51k!), and it has turned out to be my best. I find that unbelievable. I have some tenderness on the sides of my shins, but other than that, my body seems to be holding up well.

Only three more weeks until my runs peak at Week 15 (Hell Week), before tapering down the final 3 weeks before the marathon.