On Saturday, a Japanese airline started down a runway at the same time another plane was landing. Apparently, the misunderstanding was an English error on the pilot's part, and it went something like this:
Traffic Controller: Flight 502, expect immediate take-off.
*pilot thinks they say 'IMMEDIATELY TAKE-OFF'*
Pilot: Roger!
*pilot proceeds down runway*
Everyone in the traffic control room: Huh?! STOP STOP STOP!!!
*crash prevented*
I had a similar situation happen to me last week. I was exchanging some used books at the book store. The clerk has an inventory sheet with the books I turned in and says, "blah blah sign here blah blah". I take my pen and sign the sheet where his finger was pointing. He looks at me with a look that says, "What are you doing?" He then repeats, and this time I hear, "blah blah instead of signing here blah blah".
And that's why I don't fly planes.
Putting the 大 in 大宜味.
Collector’s Mindset1 week ago
Angaur, Palau Environmental Portraits11 years ago
Nerds Unite!12 years ago
Valentine's Day in Japan is the exact opposite of what it is in America. First, Japan is not a country to put their women on a pedestal. Men and women have an equal playing field. If a guy likes a girl, he'll ask her on a date. If a girl likes a guy, she'll ask him on a date. So it's no surprise that on Valentine's Day, the women give chocolate to the men. There are the "obligation chocolates", which are given to co-workers, and the "favorite" chocolates, which are given to your sweet-heart.
The women are aware of the difference, too. I had every female teacher at school today ask me to explain the difference between the holidays. They had that look in their eye that little children have when they shout, "Read me this story again!" (But I've already read it to you 20 times...) After each explanation, each teacher would then sigh and say, "Americans are real gentlemen." And yes, I guess that excludes all other countries. ONLY AMERICANS. Sorry guys.
So what did I get for Valentine's Day? Today at school, I had a few 5th and 6th graders run in and give me some gift bags. Also, this weekend Yuka visited, and she took me out to an awesome steak dinner.
Next month, there is White Day, which would be the "real" Valentine's Day equivalent. I will be expected to return chocolates to all the people who gave some to me today. I guess guys are not completely off the hook.
In other news, why is Japan better than America right now? Because the Wii version of Super Smash Bros. has been out since the end of January. So to the people waiting for the mid-March release date...haha (and it's awesome).
Lots of exciting stuff has happened over the past two weeks (well, for me anyway). First, I passed my JLPT! I scored 85% in grammar and writing, and an expected 35% in listening. Now if I could have my teachers provide me with a typed transcript of all future conversations, communication would go a lot smoother.
I have also received my blue belt in karate. Chuck Norris, here I come.
I often find myself speaking before thinking. When I found out JET was going to send me to Okinawa, there was no way I was joining the JET program. Yet, here I am. When I found out I was not getting my transfer to Fukuoka, there was no way I was going to stay another year. Yet, after another Yuka visit this weekend, we've decided it's best to do one more year. The conditions being I have to pay off my student loan and arrive in Fukuoka debt free.
My student loan debt is not large compared to some of the people here. One girl is rumored to be in the $90,000+ range. But the option of leaving in one year with no debt, versus leaving now with debt, is more appealing. In Fukuoka, my rent would be more with my salary being less.
So, one more year of blue skies and white beaches, before moving on to the concrete jungle. *sigh* I'll find a way to get through it.