Friday, October 01, 2010

Third Time's the Charm: Part 2

In August, I took a kanji test called the Kanken. I went for level 5, which is equal to a smart 6th grader's kanji ability, or 1006 kanji. I have failed it on my first two attempts, but I found out last week that I finally passed on my third try. Passing is 140/200. I got a 146/200.

The hardest part about the test is not the kanji, but the vocabulary. It's like a spelling test for a bunch of words you don't know. It's hard to spell out the antonym/synonym of a word you don't even know the meaning of.

For those who might be interested, here is the breakdown sans translation:

読み: 18/20
部首と部首名: 10/10
画数: 10/10
漢字と送りがな: 10/10
音と訓: 12/20
四字の熟語: 10/20
対義語・類義語: 16/20
熟語作る: 4/10
熟語の構成: 16/20
同じ読みの漢字: 8/20
書き取り: 32/40


Chi said...

Congrats Cliff! You should be ready for the JLPT now right? (^o^)b 勉強頑張っているね!私も頑張らないといけない!ヤバイ! I hope all is well in Oki! Cheers from Canada!

Anonymous said...

よく出来ました、 クリフ・クレイマー君!!!


Anonymous said...


Cliff said...

Thanks Chie! N1 is next on my list! But I think the N1 kanji level is around the Kanken 2 level...