Just a few more random bits:
Took the 4th grader kanji test (Kanji Kentei 7 kyu) on Friday. That comes to 640 kanji. Not really that great of a feat when you consider that I'm not even a third of the way finished, and that I probably didn't pass the test. Passing is 70%, and I think it is going to be border line. I'll find out in a few weeks.
Have another karate test at the end of the month. I'm going for my orange belt. Have to perform a few basic kicks and punches, plus three kata. I was freaked out about the last one in January, but I already feel ready for this one.
Last week, a third grader wanted me to sit next to him at lunch. The kids did rock, paper, scissors to decide where I would sit, and he lost. He made a big fuss about it and sulked all during lunch. Apparently when his mom came to pick him up, they came to the teacher's room to apologize to me about it, but I had already left. So they drove to my apartment to apologize, but I wasn't there either cause I had karate.
Also last week, I had a second grader run up to me wanting to be picked up. He's in mid-run, when he's intercepted by his teacher and given a severe scolding. I give a 'what did he do?'-look, and the teacher angrily begins to repeat, 'His eyebrows! His eyebrows!', while lifting his head up and shoving his bangs out of the way. The kid had shaven off his eyebrows. I'm assuming that as punishment, he wasn't allowed to play.
And finally, the new Coldplay album is awesome.
Collector’s Mindset
1 week ago
All the bad kids in junior high school shave their eyebrows.
Ah, maybe that's why the teacher was so mad, to discourage future bad behavior.
i also dig a couple songs off that new coldplay album. it's been keeping me sane this last week!
Yea, I'm a big fan of Viva la Vida.
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